Proudly Serving Fort Lauderdale Since 1994 - Get a Full Roof Replacement Starting at $89/Month!


Safety & Licensing at Nast Roofing Co.

Our Commitment to Compliance is Unwavering

Roofing contractors in our area must be licensed. Nast Roofing is fully qualified and ready to work for you. For our license or more information, feel free to call us anytime. We're here to help you make an informed decision about your roofing needs!

Our Standards and Compliance

Certified Crew

Our roofing professionals are trained and certified in safety protocols, ensuring that every project is executed with the utmost care and precaution.

Safety Protocols

 Our team follows strict safety protocols, including proper ladder usage, fall protection measures, and hazard identification, to prevent accidents and injuries.

Ongoing Training

We provide regular safety training to our team to keep them updated on the latest safety practices and regulations.

Safety Equipment

We use the latest safety equipment and gear to protect our team members and maintain a safe working environment.

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